How Long Can You Safely Spend in a Massage Chair?

Learn how long you can safely spend in a massage chair from an expert's perspective. Find out how often you should use your chair and what intensity level is right for you.

How Long Can You Safely Spend in a Massage Chair?

Most massage chairs are designed to work on specific areas of the body, such as the back and neck, while others provide full-body massage therapy. If you're not used to full-body deep tissue massage, it's best to start with 10-15 minute massage sessions, two or three times a day. It's important to remember that since they are powerful and designed to work quickly, sitting in a chair for too long is not recommended. Each chair also offers unique programs and functions where you can control the strength, location and speed of your massage. Maybe you're looking for regular massage for mental or emotional reasons, to ease the stress and anxiety that is so common nowadays.

So, take it easy and slowly with your massage chair, especially when you use it for the first time. To get the best results from massage in the massage chair, it's important to know how often you can use it. Fortunately, technology has come a long way to alleviate these symptoms and one of the best options is the massage chair. If you already have an injury, it's best to talk to your physical therapist or other doctor about the ideal frequency with which you should use your chair. This is especially beneficial for those who spend long periods of time sitting, as it can help reduce the risk of forming blood clots.

Also, it may seem strange to hear this, but there's no added benefit to using the chair for longer periods of time in a day. Excessive use is known to cause muscle damage, inflammation and bruises in the tissues, in addition to damaging the internal motor of the massage chair. Of course, you can gradually increase your session length as your body gets used to the strength of the massagers. I'm a relaxation enthusiast with a soft spot for bubble baths (quite long), aromatherapy massages, and relaxing music. You'll also find intensity options that you can completely lower when you use it for the first time to see what level is right for you. To sum up, it's important to be mindful of how long you spend in a massage chair.

Start with shorter sessions and increase gradually as your body gets used to it. It's also important to talk to your doctor if you have an injury or condition that could be affected by using a massage chair.

Brad Delaremore
Brad Delaremore

Unapologetic social media lover. Freelance food lover. Unapologetic twitter expert. Certified beer trailblazer. Proud tv guru.

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