The Benefits of Massage Chairs and Professional Massage Therapy

Massage chairs are designed to mimic the movements of a masseuse's hands but cannot fully reproduce the true feel of professional hands-on therapy. Learn more about how both have their own unique benefits.

The Benefits of Massage Chairs and Professional Massage Therapy

Massage chairs are designed to mimic the movements of a masseuse's hands, providing a different experience than a professional massage. Studies have shown that massage chairs are effective in reducing back pain, and they offer compelling advantages in terms of cost, time, pressure and touch. However, massage therapy is still superior in terms of coverage and results. Both massage chairs and professional massage therapy have their own unique benefits, and regular massage can reduce stress and help alleviate the effects of many ailments and diseases.

Quality massage chairs are designed to replicate the movements of a masseuse's hands, providing a different experience than a professional massage. A study found that the massage of acupuncture points and meridian muscles performed with a massage chair is effective in reducing back pain. However, another study suggests that the extensive massage coverage offered by massage therapy is extremely powerful in treating chronic nonspecific low back pain. Having your own massage chair has compelling advantages in terms of cost, time, pressure and touch.

With a massage chair, you can “set the right pressure for you” and program your own personalized massages to receive the right pressure at all times. The massage helps the body release toxins, so it is highly recommended to continue the massage with lots of stretching and water to help eliminate those toxins from the body. A home massage chair system is a cost-effective method for reducing disability and pain associated with chronic low back pain, according to a study. In addition, funding is available to reduce the initial cost of a massage chair, an option that is not usually available for one-time services such as an in-person massage.

Massage therapy is a non-pharmacological treatment modality effective for controlling chronic pain, stress and spinal misalignment. With a massage chair, regular massage becomes an integral part of the day, transforming massage therapy from a luxury to a necessity. This is because a massage therapist's hands can cover almost every part of the body, while the massage chair is limited to specific ergonomically designed points. But is there much difference between the massage you can receive from a massage therapist and a session in a massage chair? Many massage chair owners still enjoy regular appointments with a masseuse as each has their own unique benefits.

This type of massage improves the body's blood circulation, cognitive functions of the brain, relaxes stress, relieves back pain and muscle tension. Regular massage reduces stress, which has been shown to help alleviate the effects of many ailments and diseases. From chronic back pain to acute muscle pain and relaxation, massage chairs help relieve discomfort and stress and even provide comfort and peace of mind in a busy and hectic world. On the other hand, a massage chair is a robotic device that you can have at home to receive a relaxing massage.

Brad Delaremore
Brad Delaremore

Unapologetic social media lover. Freelance food lover. Unapologetic twitter expert. Certified beer trailblazer. Proud tv guru.

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